Thank you for wanting to make a nomination for the
2024 Excellence in Education Awards!


Any district employee who makes a difference in the daily lives of students through:

  • Contributing to student success.
  • Helping with extra activities, for example, tutoring or coaching.
  • Demonstrating concern for students through their interaction with them.
  • Engaging students, parents, and community leaders to improve student success.
  • Having a truly positive influence on those around them.
Eligibility: Any District Employee
Nominator Eligibility: Any District Employee, Student or Parent


Any District employee or volunteer who impacts student learning through:

  • Inspiring and motivating through the giving of time, talent and skills.
  • Being an individual whose positive actions and outlook lead others to be honored to work with them each day.
Eligibility: Any District Employee or Volunteer
Nominator Eligibility: Any District Employee, Student or Parent